Due to the current coronavirus situation, we have decided to postpone this event until a later date, to be advised as soon as possible. We thank you for your patience and cooperation. Those of you who have already purchased tickets will be refunded or can use them at the later date. For further advice and information on the current situation check www.health.gov.au or ring the national Coronavirus Health Information Hotline on 1800 020 080.
Anyone wishing to donate now can do so by phone: 0411022507 or jacquimccarthy@runningtap.com.au.
Donations of $50, $100, $150, $500 and above will be noted and acknowledged in the book.
However, all you lucky people who have already bought raffle tickets, we are continuing to sell them and the raffle will now be drawn at a date to be advised.
The raffle – $10 a ticket or 3 for $25.
The prize will be a portrait painting done by Lesley Dimmick, Manager BFA, OAM, from a photograph provided by the winner, subject up to them. It will be included in the book and exhibited at the launch exhibition, if they wish.
Books of 100 raffle tickets can be purchased for $1,000 by any company wishing to sponsor and they will be acknowledged in the book.
Purchase tickets by calling 0411022507 or email: jacquimccarthy@runningtap.com.au